Digital Commerce

Think Big, Fast for Global Commerce Solutions

Buying and selling the things on internet with minimum or no human intervention, by setting up online store fronts for customers to view and see and perform the order in an omni channel fashion.

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Business-to-business (B2B) is a condition where one business makes a commercial transaction with another.


Consumer-to-Consumer (C2C) is a form where a customer makes a commercial transaction with another customer by using marketplaces to Buy and Sell their products.


Government-to-Government (G2G) is a phenomenon where a government makes a transaction with other government for trade of services and products.


Business-to-Consumer (B2C) is a term where a business makes a commercial transaction with the consumer.


Business-to-Government (B2G) is a state where a business makes a transaction with the government for services and products.


Government-to-Consumer (G2C) is a situation where a government makes a transaction with their people and consumers for trade of services and products.

What they say


  • I loved everything about the Implentra. I got exactly what I had asked for and what I wanted. Now I can concentrate on running my business and not worry about fixing any issues that I previously had with my old website. I highly recommend Implentra. Thank you so much for your excellent work.

    CEO, BKboutique

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